BarrierTek Available in British Columbia - Coming Winter 2022
We know that building projects are at their most vulnerable when under construction – and that fire is the ultimate villain when it comes to raw wood.
We also know that coming up with cost-conscious and innovative ways of suppressing the spread of fire that meet code requirements can be costly and time consuming.
Besides that, many common fire-resistive measures on the market aren’t economical, are design restrictive, and can be susceptible to the elements.
With BarrierTek, it’s easy to put these questions to bed while staying in compliance with code with no additional work. We’ve curated all of the resources you’ll need to quickly and effectively present BarrierTek as the ultimate fire protectant solution to your client or project team.
This technology may sound new and exotic, but there’s nothing new here. With over 4 million square feet of treated buildings in Alberta, we’re ready to open our first facility in beautiful British Columbia.
Michael Hopley, a branch manager and fire safety engineer with LRI Fire Protection and Building Code Engineering, shares with us how BarrierTek’s experiment data helps support the intricate decision making process technical professionals face during the course of construction.
Interviews with leading industry experts like Michael help science-driven professionals understand how to tailor fire safety technology to suit the project – not the other way around.
Don’t miss out on new productivity tools, case studies, newsletters, and groundbreaking articles — all from BarrierTek.
More for you to explore
We’ve put together a collection of white papers and experiment records from our Science Vs. Fire series, launched in June 2021. Our information gathering process was exacting, and the results help show that preventing catastrophic fire doesn’t need to be complicated in the end.
These reports and analyses capture the key data points required to validate the efficacy of intumescent fire retardants. Find all our third-party validated science here.
“Intumescent coatings offer an opportunity for risk mitigation during construction as a result of their relative ease of application, demonstrated effectiveness in certain standard test methods, and in the cases of durable coatings, their ability to withstand cold weather and exterior weathering.”
Matt Hopley of LRI Engineering prepared a detailed test analysis report of our full-scale burn demonstrations. More inside.
During Science Vs. Fire, we strategically placed thermocouples and heat flux sensors throughout two identical buildings of standard wood construction. One was fully treated with BarrierTek, and one was left untreated.
The sensors gathered temperature and heat flux data points, and the results could not have been more disparate.
Our comprehensive technical and safety data sheets list how each BarrierTek product functions, how it meets varying code requirements for fire-resistant construction, and ultimately reinforces how easy our product is to present as a solution.
Articles and Recent News
BarrierTek ProTEKtor® fire-rated sheathing can help new build projects qualify for leading green building programs like LEED and BuiltGreen.
We’ve put together a reference table we call The Green Side Up to conveniently summarize all of the relevant subsections where you could earn points toward qualifying for these varying green building initiatives. Get the reference table here.
Attic sprinkler systems are often challenging to install and costly to maintain. BarrierTek AtTEK fire-protectant products offer an alternative to sprinkler systems in attic spaces; meeting NFPA-13 code requirements and offering up budget savings.
AtTEK provides engineers and architects consistent and reliable fire protection for end users, regardless of weather or temperature. AtTEK is an passive “on call” system, requiring no mechanical equipment to maintain and no risks of water damage due to system failure or freezing.
Who is BarrierTek?
We’re specialists in fire. And we know wood. More specifically, our team of scientists and engineers are experts at stopping fires from starting in wood buildings. BarrierTek has been at the forefront of developing fire protectants for wood structures since 2010, and until now our sandbox has been Alberta.
We factory-apply our fire protective treatment on all wood substrates to be cost-effective and provide superior quality control. Our new facility in Chilliwack will be ready in Winter 2022 to serve BC’s booming wood construction market.

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Help End Catastrophic Fire
BarrierTek technology gives your firm the opportunity to be a leader in the BC construction industry. BarrierTek buildings increase protection for end-users, make design and execution easy, and meet stringent code requirements.
Still have questions? Let us help you colour in the gaps or have one of our engineers or technical sales representatives address any concerns keeping you from trying this breakthrough technology.
Outcomes For Architects, Engineers, and Code Officials
Over the last 10 years of product development and efficacy validation we have noticed that wood construction professionals fall into two camps: those who are willing to entertain change and learn a better way, and those who are satisfied with the status quo. Which one are you?